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Assign contributor roles

Applies to:
All MindTouch Versions
Role required:
Assign roles to Pro Members to enable them to contribute to your site.

Assign roles when you add users or assign a group role. A user belonging to more than one Group with different roles will have permissions based on the highest role assigned.

Seated Member user types allow users to be able to draft, author, edit, or manage content. 

Control Panel role versus Page-Level role

Assign a role in the Control Panel for users to access:

Assign a Page-Level role for users to access:

If using Semi-Public, Semi-Private, and Private pages, assign the Viewer role in the Control Panel and assign higher roles to specific pages as needed.

Assign roles for site-wide or selective contributions

Depending on your organizational structure, you may want to allow contributions across your entire site or control contributions by sections.

Allow all users to contribute across your entire site

To maintain an open contribution culture and you have no private sections on your site, assign roles in the control panel as follows:

  • Make sure your pages are set to public.
  • In the control panel, assign the user role of Draft Contributor to your seated members.
  • Assign higher-level roles (such as Editor or Admin) to a few select site editors and administrators only. 

Allow select users to contribute in select sections

To maintain access control over sensitive, proprietary, or departmental documentation, assign roles as follows:

  • Make sure your pages are NOT set to public. (They can be semi-public, semi-private or private.)
  • In the control panel, assign the user role of Viewer to your seated members. 
  • Assign higher-level roles (such as Editor or Admin) to a few select site editors and administrators only. 
  • Create your contributor groups (by section, department, or another group you designate).
  • Assign the group role Viewer to your groups.
  • Grant appropriate group permission on the pages or sections as needed.


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