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NICE CXone Expert
Expert Success Center


Expert automatically creates responsive tables when tables are added to a page.

Responsive tables ensure your users can access your product data conveniently on any screen without having to scroll sideways on any mobile device. User-friendly viewing encourages engagement and buyer research.

  • About responsive tables
    Use the responsive table option in the Expert editor.
  • Add a table
    Add tables to your content, which are automatically responsive in Expert.
  • Align content in table cells
    Vertically align content in table cells.
  • Edit table properties
    Table Properties include header rows or header columns, cell width,  border size, CSS and more.
  • Make your tables responsive
    If you have created tables in Expert before our implementation of the responsive table feature, you now have the option to convert your existing tables into responsive tables.
  • Merge and unmerge table cells
    Learn how to merge and unmerge table cells in Expert.
  • Resize table columns
    Learn how to resize table columns in Expert and keep your tables responsive.
  • Table custom styles
    There are multiple ways to style tables: add an HTML class attribute, add a custom inline style to the editor configuration, or apply a custom inline style to the table.


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