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NICE CXone Expert
Expert Success Center

September 2018 Releases

Releases: 2018-09-06, 2018-09-13, 2018-09-20, 2018-09-27

Release 2018-09-06


There were no defects fixed this week

Success Center Tip of the Week

The Expert Smart Content Editor includes pre-formatted options under the Format and Style menus that operate as toggle functionality. To apply to content, highlight text and select an option under the Format or Style menu. To remove a pre-formatted option, highlight the text and re-select the applied style from the Format or Style menu.

Release 2018-09-13


Integration Help Request Attribution
Readdressed a previous issue where Help Requests from Integrations, such as Expert for Salesforce and Expert for Zendesk, were being attributed to the API instead of to the integration

Feature Enhancements

Control Panel Landing Page
We have updated the name of the Control Panel landing page from "Dashboard" to "Product Info" to better describe the information provided on that page and avoid confusion with /Special:Dashboard page.

Success Center Tip of the Week

Expert enables Knowledge-Centered Service (KCS®), a knowledge management methodology designed around how knowledge captured as content becomes a key asset in organizations.

Release 2018-09-20


Remove List Formatting
Fixed an issue where removing formatting on a list would remove the list formatting from the selected text instead of just removing inline styling applied to that text

Feature Enhancement

Same Origin for API Tokens and Touchpoints
We have updated the functionality of API Tokens and Touchpoints so they can be loaded on their Expert site of origin without having to add that Expert site to the "allowed hosts" list. 

Success Center Tip of the Week

Numbered and bulleted lists are an effective way to display instructional content, and the Expert Smart Content Editor includes many options to format lists as needed. Read all about lists to see examples of how you can change the number or bullet style, nest different types of lists, and insert images without breaking a list.

Release 2018-09-27


There were no defect fixes this week

Success Center Tip of the Week

Expert reports help you optimize content for your users. To access out-of-box reports, navigate to Site Tools > Dashboard from the Expert toolbar.

  • HelpRequest usage - Historical site usage, projected site usage, and license information.
  • Search terms and queries - Legacy search report of queries and the articles clicked.
  • Search insights - Newer search report that shows queries, articles clicked, and trends with granular filters.
  • Site activity - How many pages your contributors created, edited and deleted, and how many new users were added to your site.
  • Site history - How your site was changed, including which contributor changed a page element or when a page was created, formatted, or edited.
  • User activity - View specific user search and viewing history.
  • User contributions - See all the changes a specific user made.
  • Community Scoring Reports - How users rate content in your Expert site.
  • Content Aging Report - All pages in your Expert site with details about last edited date, views, number of edits, and page rating.


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