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NICE CXone Expert
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Editor Toolbar drop-down menu options

Drop-down menus in the Editor include: Edit, View, Format, Style, Elements, and Help.


The Edit menu contains the basic actions your authors can use within the editor.

  • Undo
  • Paste: Paste cut or copied content from your operating system clipboard.
    • Modern browsers to not allow Paste as Plain Text or Paste from Word options.
  • Find
  • Replace
  • Select all


The View menu allows authors different ways to see the content they'll be editing.

  • Source - View and edit the HTML source for the page
  • Show blocks - See the content blocks in WYSIWYG mode in order to better identify the HTML structure and format of your content


The Format menu contains tools that allow authors to change the look of selected text.

  • Alignment
  • Indentation
  • Font - Change the font for selected text. You can also add new fonts or control them globally with CSS.
  • Size
  • Text color
  • Background color
  • Heading
  • Strikethrough: Strikes a line through selected text. For example: these words.
  • Subscript:  Add a small letter or symbol below a line. E.g. writing the chemical compound N2
  • Superscript: Add a small letter or symbol above a line of text. E.g. writing equations 2= 8
  • Code: Insert a code block or apply a code block to selected text.
  • Regular text: Exclude selected text from being parsed by the editor.
  • Remove format: Remove all formatting from the selected content.


The Style menu contains options for changing content behavior or appearance.


The Elements menu contains options to insert media or alter HTML elements.


The Help menu links to references about the Expert Editor.


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