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Keyboard shortcuts

While in Edit mode on a page, press ALT+0 (PC) or Option+0 (Mac) to view available shortcuts.

Cut, copy and paste

Cut a text fragment and copy it to the clipboard: Ctrl+X (PC) or Command+X (Mac)

Copy a text fragment to the clipboard: Ctrl+C (PC) or Command+C (Mac)

Paste a text fragment from the clipboard: Ctrl+V (PC) or Command+V (Mac)

Paste as plain text: Ctrl+Shift+V (PC, but not supported in Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge) or Command+Shift+V (Mac)


Delete the character to the right of the cursor: Delete (PC)

Delete the character to the left of the cursor: Backspace (PC) or Delete (Mac)

Delete the word to the right of the cursor: Ctrl+Delete (PC) or Option+Delete (Mac)

Delete the word to the left of the cursor: Ctrl+Backspace (PC) or Command+Delete (Mac)

Undo and redo

Undo the last operation(s): Ctrl+Z (PC) or Command+Z (Mac)

Redo the last operation(s): Ctrl+Y (PC) or Command+Y (Mac)


Open the page in edit mode: Ctrl+E (PC) or Command+E (Mac)

Start a new paragraph: Enter (PC) or Return (Mac)

Start a new line: Shift+Enter (PC) or Shift+Return (Mac)


Jump to the beginning of the line: Home (PC) or Command+Right Arrow (Mac)

Jump to the end of the line: End (PC)

Select the whole line: Shift+End (PC)

Jump to the beginning of the document: Ctrl+Home (PC) or Command+Up Arrow (Mac)

Jump to the end of the document: Ctrl+End (PC) or Command+Down Arrow (Mac)

Move the cursor down to the next line: Down Arrow (PC) or Down Arrow (Mac)

Move the cursor up to the line above: Up Arrow (PC) or Up Arrow (Mac)

Jump to the next word to the right: Ctrl+Right Arrow (PC) or Option+Right Arrow (Mac)

Jump to the next word to the left: Ctrl+Left Arrow (PC) or Option+Left Arrow (Mac)

Jump to the beginning of the line: Ctrl+Up Arrow (PC)

Scroll down, approximately by the length of the editing area: PgDn (PC)

Scroll up, approximately by the length of the editing area: PgUp (PC)

Select the content between where the cursor starts and where it ends: Shift+any of the above shortcuts (Mac)

Select text

All content in a document: Ctrl+A (PC) or Command+A (Mac)

Letters to the left of the cursor: Shift+Left Arrow (PC) or Shift+Left Arrow (Mac)

Letters to the right of the cursor: Shift+Right Arrow (PC) or Shift+Right Arrow (Mac)

By words: Ctrl+Shift+Arrow (PC) or Option+Shift+Arrow (Mac)

From the cursor to the beginning of the line: Shift+Home (PC)

From the cursor to the end of the line: Shift+End (PC)

From the cursor to the beginning of the document: Ctrl+Shift+Home (PC) or Command+Shift+Up Arrow (Mac)

From the cursor down one line at a time: Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow (PC)

From the cursor up one line at a time: Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow (PC)

From the cursor to the end of the document: Ctrl+Shift+End (PC) or Command+Shift+Down Arrow (Mac)

Approximately the length of the editing area starting from the cursor and going down: Shift+PgDn (PC)

Approximately the length of the editing area starting from the cursor and going up: Shift+PgUp (PC)

Style text

BoldCtrl+B (PC) or Command+B (Mac)

ItalicizeCtrl+I (PC) or Command+I (Mac)

UnderlineCtrl+U (PC) or Command+U (Mac)


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