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Redirects in Google - 301 vs. 302

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There are pros and cons of 301 (permanent move) versus 302 (temporary move) redirects.

There has been a debate among search engine optimization (SEO) experts surrounding the best practice for handling redirects—in particular, using 301 (permanent move) versus 302 (temporary move) for redirects. Additional considerations include HTTPS redirects (from a less secure HTTP link), page-level redirects for simple moves, site restructuring (hierarchy-based) redirects, and domain redirects. Google also has high standards for web security and began giving search rating boosts for sites loading their pages solely over HTTPS.

With all the variations, Google found a less strict way to handle redirects and pass PageRank value whether or not it is a 301 or a 302 redirect (temporary or permanent).

Google's Webmaster Trends Analyst, John Mueller, stepped in to clarify any confusion surrounding the subject:


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