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NICE CXone Expert
Expert Success Center

Event Details for Contribution Reports

Contribution report events include: Create, Edit, Move, and Delete.


Created, Edited, Moved, and Deleted analytics are tracked in:


A Create event happens when any new page is created on your site.

  • A new Live page or a new Draft page triggers a Create event when initially saved.
  • A new Draft page created on an already Live page does not trigger an additional Create event.


An Edit event happens when a Live page is saved with changes.

  • Publishing a new Draft page triggers an Edit event of the Live placeholder page
  • Publishing a Draft of an already Live page triggers an Edit event of the Live page
  • Unpublishing a page triggers an Edit event
  • Editing a Draft page does not trigger an Edit event
  • Changes made outside the Expert Editor (Page Summary, Tags, Classifications, Page Title/URL) do not trigger an Edit event


A Move event happens when a page URL changes.

  • Moving a page to a new location triggers a Move event
  • Renaming a page if Page Title and URL are set to match (default settings) triggers a Move event
  • Renaming a page if Page Title and URL do not match does not trigger a Move event
  • Moving a page with sub-pages to a new location will trigger a Move event for the page and each of the sub-pages included. 


A Delete event happens when a page is deleted via Options > Delete.


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