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Expert Success Center

November 2017 Releases

Planned feature enhancements

Editor: Paste button
On November 30th, we’ll be updating our editor with under the hood performance optimizations. As part of our efforts to increase efficiency, the “paste” button will be removed. Previously, the paste button would prompt a dialog which requested that the user paste content using the paste key command. After the update, users can simply use the paste keystroke, or right- or control-click directly in the page.

Planned deprecations

Legacy Comments: MT4 & TCS
Our legacy comments feature, used in MT4 and TCS, is scheduled to be removed on February 8, 2018. If your Expert site currently uses legacy comments, contact us.

Release 2017-11-02


Page Restrictions: Addition of Groups
Fixed an issue that prevented the addition of multiple groups to page restrictions in one session 

Page Copy: Copy Dialog
Fixed an issue that caused the Copy Page Dialog to freeze when attempting to copy pages whose titles were comprised solely of numbers

Guide Tabs: Classification and Type Menus
Fixed an issue that prevented the Type drop-down menu from updating in conjunction with the Classification menu in IE 11

User Activity Report: User Selection
Fixed an issue that prevented a selected user's activity from being displayed

Revision History: Special Characters
Fixed an issue that caused special characters within an Edit Summary field to be encoded when viewed in the Revision History of a page

Recommended Links: External URLs
Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to remove external links from the Recommended Links section of categories in MT4

Article Feedback: Feedback Email
Fixed an issue that prevented the proper handling of article URLs with special characters in feedback submission notification emails

Feature enhancements

Expert Performance: Removal of moment.js library will launch November 9, 2017
All dependencies on the JavaScript library "Moment" will be removed as of November 9, 2017. Removal of the moment.js library will decrease page load times. If any custom JavaScript on your site was dependent on moment.js, your support contact has been notified with steps on how to update those dependencies.

Site Structure: Prevention of inadvertent new page creation
Currently, pro members who attempt to follow a link to a page that no longer exists will trigger the creation of a new page. Sites can now be configured to prevent this, and instead, deliver an error, "Page could not be found," with links to related articles.

Site Structure: Deletion of page children
Currently, pro members who attempt to delete a page have the option of leaving that page's children in place, which results in structure errors. Sites can now be configured to prevent this, and instead, warn the user that a specific number of child pages and files will be deleted.

Release 2017-11-09


User Activity Report: User selection
Fixed an issue that prevented a selected user's activity from being displayed in IE 11

Editor: $Order script
Fixed an issue that prevented the proper rendering of $Order scripts within <pre> tags

Touchpoints: Customer Insights Touchpoint (Zendesk)
Fixed an issue that prevented the display of the expand icon, and the ability to scroll, in the date range menu

Editor: Image uploading
Fixed an issue that caused the image upload progress bar to freeze at 0% after dragging and dropping images onto a page in Firefox

Feature enhancements

Expert Performance: Removal of moment.js library today, November 9, 2017
All dependencies on the JavaScript library "Moment" will be removed as of today. Removal of the moment.js library will decrease page load times. If any custom JavaScript on your site was dependent on moment.js, your support contact has been notified with steps on how to update those dependencies.

Site Structure: Prevention of inadvertent new page creation
Currently, pro members who attempt to follow a link to a page that no longer exists will trigger the creation of a new page. Sites can now be configured to prevent this, and instead, deliver an error, "Page could not be found," with links to related articles.

Site Structure: Deletion of page children
Currently, pro members who attempt to delete a page have the option of leaving that page's children in place, which results in structure errors. Sites can now be configured to prevent this, and instead, warn the user that a specific number of child pages and files will be deleted.

Release 2017-11-16


Touchpoints UI: Title wrapping
Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to edit a Touchpoint if its title exceeded a certain length

Guide UI: Topic drop-down element
Fixed an issue that prevented the display of the Topic expand-collapse UI element within guides (TCS and MT4 only)

Dekiscript: Code indentation
Fixed an issue that prevented dekiscript blocks from properly rendering if the dekiscript code was indented 

Page Settings: Classification UI 
Fixed an issue that improperly indicated the addition of a recursive classification to a page after a user cancels the "Update tags" confirmation dialog    

Guide Path Tab: Path deletion
Fixed an issue that caused the first path in a guide's path tab to be deleted, regardless of which path was intended to be deleted

Feature enhancements

Site Structure: Prevention of inadvertent new page creation
Currently, pro members who attempt to follow a link to a page that no longer exists will trigger the creation of a new page. Sites can now be configured to prevent this, and instead, deliver an error, "Page could not be found," with links to related articles.

Site Structure: Deletion of page children
Currently, pro members who attempt to delete a page have the option of leaving that page's children in place, which results in structure errors. Sites can now be configured to prevent this, and instead, warn the user that a specific number of child pages and files will be deleted.

Release 2017-11-30


Editor: Keyboard shortcut
Fixed an issue that caused the command + left/right or function + left/right shortcut to unexpectedly refresh or exit the page in Firefox on a Mac

Guide Tab: Classification drop-down
Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to update a classification within a classification tab that is the twelfth or greater tab within a guide

Code Block UI: Alternate row shading
Fixed an issue that prevented the alternate row shading within code blocks from extending to the full width of the block 

Restrict Access UI: Group selection
Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to select and add multiple groups via keyboard commands

Private Content: Link visibility (MT4)
Fixed an issue that allowed public-facing links to private content to appear active (content privacy remained unaffected)

Feature enhancements

Editor: Paste button
In this week's release, we've updated our editor with under the hood performance optimizations. As part of our efforts to increase efficiency, the “paste” button has been removed. Paste functionality has not been affected. Previously, the paste button would prompt a dialog which requested that the user paste content using the paste key command. After the update, users can simply use the paste keystroke, or right- or control-click directly in the page. See all keyboard commands in Expert. 

Site Structure: Prevention of inadvertent new page creation
Currently, pro members who attempt to follow a link to a page that no longer exists will trigger the creation of a new page. Sites can now be configured to prevent this, and instead, deliver an error, "Page could not be found," with links to related articles.

Site Structure: Deletion of page children
Currently, pro members who attempt to delete a page have the option of leaving that page's children in place, which results in structure errors. Sites can now be configured to prevent this, and instead, warn the user that a specific number of child pages and files will be deleted.


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