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Upcoming feature enhancements
- Page view counter
In the article Customer Insights Powered by New Data, we explained how over the summer we made improvements to the way we collect, analyze, clean, and organize our event data. With our new system in place, we rolled out our improved HelpRequest calculation in December. Soon we will have improved our page view counter and will begin the rollout over the next few weeks. With this change, you may notice a slight difference in your internal page view counts because the previous counter would sometimes double count pro member views (in special circumstances) or only count the first page view of an anonymous user (page caching). We are quite excited to be rolling out this feature soon!
- A secure Expert experience with enforced HTTPS
On May 22, we will be enforcing HTTPS connections for all sites enabled with SSL so we can provide a more secure experience for our customers and move towards a more secure web. Most Expert customers have already moved over to using HTTPS for their users. Over the last couple months we have sent out information to you regarding this change but if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact Expert Support. Some of the benefits of enforcing HTTPS for your Expert site include:
- Getting a search rank advantage from Google
- Encouraging trust with your users
- Ensuring your content's data integrity
- Site analysis: link manager
Links are an important aspect of relating content throughout your site. They are also an important factor in your site's ranking power in search engines. Because maintaining link health is an important part of ensuring a healthy Expert site we have created a reporting system that lets you track and resolve link issues at the site and individual page levels. We will be releasing this feature in the next couple weeks where it will be available to all site administrators using our latest two versions of Expert. Learn more about resolving link issues with the link manager.

- Site analysis: structure
Out of the box, Expert makes it easy for you to structure your content by providing a self-organizing content framework. Using this framework properly will make it easier for your viewers to discover your content through navigation of a logical hierarchy, provide essential topic relationships based on the hierarchy that makes it easier for search engines to understand the content on your site, and provide a better internal search experience. We have created a reporting system that will help you find site structure issues at the site and page levels in order to maintain a healthy site. In the next couple weeks, we will be rolling out this feature to site administrators of the latest two versions of Expert. Learn more about how to improve content architecture with the site structure report.

Future deprecations
- IE 10 deprecation in May 2017
In June 2016, we announced the creation of a Legacy Browser experience that would allow users to view Expert content in deprecated browsers. At the time, we decided that Legacy Browser would work for IE 9 and below. Now that some time has passed and we have analyzed how Expert users view content in Internet Explorer, we would like to add IE 10 to that list in accordance with Microsoft's own End of Support announcement earlier this year.
Release 2017-04-06
Bug fixes
- Custom editor configs
While there were no bug fixes this week, we do want to notify you about a change that slipped through in the editor. In the process of updating our editor, a custom configuration name for the table element was changed. This change will not affect the majority of our customers unless they have a custom editor configuration in the control panel that references the old name. If you do have a custom editor configuration that includes the table toolbar option, then you will need to rename it from TableOneClick
to MindTouchTable
in the control panel under System Settings > Editor.
Release 2017-04-13
Bug fixes
- Custom editor configs
While there were no bug fixes this week, we do want to notify you about a change that slipped through in the editor. In the process of updating our editor, a custom configuration name for the table element was changed. This change will not affect the majority of our customers unless they have a custom editor configuration in the control panel that references the old name. If you do have a custom editor configuration that includes the table toolbar option, then you will need to rename it from TableOneClick
to MindTouchTable
in the control panel under System Settings > Editor.
Release 2017-04-20
Feature enhancements
- Page view counter
Today we begin rolling out our renovated page view counter. This was part of the work we started last summer to improve the way we collect, analyze, clean, and organize our event data. With this change, you may notice a slight difference in your internal page view counts because the previous counter would sometimes double count pro member views (in special circumstances) or only count the first page view of an anonymous user (page caching). We are excited to release this improvement to all Expert users!
- Page save maintenance
In preparation for the release of new features in the next couple weeks, we will be initiating a back-end update of page content starting this Friday. Our Support team notified each of you last week via email about the details of this change. You will notice a new revision entry on each page that will be attributed to "Expert System Update". Those of you with older content may notice minor formatting changes to your HTML tags after this maintenance. These are improvements that Expert has made to the product over the last year and a half that only take effect on page save and haven't been applied to your older content. Please contact Expert Support with any questions or concerns you may have.
- Internal linking improvements
To improve internal link integrity when moving content within your Expert site, we have made some changes to how we handle redirects in the product. While you will never notice a change in how internal links are handled, on the back-end we have completely redone the way we track and implement them. These improvements will prevent the unintended overwriting of existing redirects and ensure internal links to pages that have moved will not break.
Bug fixes
- Redirect warning on drafts
We added a warning message for drafts when a user is about to save a new page in the position of a previously redirected page. This message now states, "A page already exists at {PATH:LOCATION}. Navigate to the existing page and edit the page if you wish to modify its contents."
Release 2017-04-27
Feature enhancements
- Password reset emails
We have improved the performance of our password reset functionality so that only one message will be sent at a time and the message will expire after an hour (previously 4 hours).
- Attachments on custom templates
You now have the ability to view the files attached to your /Template:Custom
pages in our latest version of Expert.
- Updated control panel dashboard
We have updated the control panel's dashboard to better reflect the improved site structure of our newly remodeled Success Center.
Bug fixes
- Updated contextual help for reports
We fixed an issue where the contextual help links found on the following reports were not linking to the correct articles. Links have been updated on the site activity, usage, community scoring, aging, and search reports.
- Search in place Touchpoint tool quotes
We fixed an issue for the search in place Touchpoint tool where the closing quote of a search query was sometimes being removed when sent to the server. This could return no results.
- User and Group dialogs
Fixed an issue with the alignment and display of the user and group management dialogs found in the control panel.