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NICE CXone Expert

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Expert Success Center

March 2017 Releases

Upcoming feature enhancements

  • An even more secure Expert experience
    Most Expert customers have moved over to a more secure experience for their users. This move has been to require HTTPS connections completely across their sites (the "S" stands for secure). Google recently announced that they are moving towards encouraging a more secure internet and boosting sites that require an HTTPS encryption method. Enhancing your Google presence can drive even more new and existing customers to your brand. We have sent out information regarding this to all Expert support contacts. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact Expert Support.
  • Reports broken out into their own pages
    The five Expert reports located at path /Special:Reports will soon be available at their own unique URLs:

    1.  The content aging report will be visible at path /Special:AgingReport
    2.  The search report will be visible at path /Special:SearchReport
    3.  The site activity report will be visible at path /Special:SiteActivityReport
    4.  The community scoring report will be visible at path /Special:SiteQualityReport
    5.  The site usage report will be visible at path /Special:SiteUsageReport

    The original path /Special:Reports will no longer direct users to the listed reports, but to the dashboard where the reports can be found.
  • Content branding regions (Responsive)
    On March 16, 2017, we will be releasing three new branding regions in Responsive.  Content branding regions are customizable containers located above, below, and to the side of your content container that when used, will appear on every page throughout your site, like your custom header or footer.  
  • Conditional content UI update
    Next week we will be updating the way conditional content appears in the editor to improve the user experience for content writers. Conditional content will now be easier to identify, modify, and less likely to break.
  • Editor alignment and indentation update
    Starting next week we will change the way the editor aligns and indents content. Previously the editor used inline styles which did not follow responsive design best practices. The editor will start using class names to make it easier to create mobile ready styles for your site.
  • New page view counter
    Starting at the end of next week, we will begin rolling out an updated page view counter. You may notice a change in your page view counts because the previous counter would sometimes double count pro member views or only count the first page view of an anonymous user. Our new counter uses event stream data for a more accurate calculation.

Future deprecations

  • IE 10 deprecation in May 2017
    In June 2016, we announced the creation of a legacy browser experience that would allow users to view Expert content in deprecated browsers. At the time, we decided that Legacy Browser would work for IE 9 and below. Now that some time has passed and we have analyzed how Expert users view content in Internet Explorer, we would like to add IE 10 to that list in accordance with Microsoft's own End of Support announcement earlier this year.

Release 2017-03-02

Feature enhancements

  • New and improved sitemap.xml
    We have updated how we generate our XML sitemaps to better handle large sites (50,000 + pages) and page permissions. XML sitemaps make it easier for search engines to find all the pages on your Mindtouch site quickly.

Feature deprecations

  • Contextual help migration
    Beginning March 2, 2017, only the most recent implementation of our contextual help Touchpoint tool will be supported by Expert. This means that we will no longer troubleshoot issues, fix defects, or provide support for our legacy contextual help integration. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact Expert Support.  

Bug fixes

  • Attachment deletion dialog
    Fixed an issue where canceling the attachment deletion dialog caused a console error.
  • Find and replace cursor jumping
    Fixed an issue where the cursor in the editor would jump to the beginning of a line when words nearby were misspelled.
  • Find and replace misalignment (MT4 and TCS)
    Fixed a display issue where the checkboxes in the find and replace functionality were not aligned with their labels in MT4 and TCS.
  • Find and replace highlighting
    Fixed a bug in the editor where the find and replace functionality would not highlight the searched word on the second attempt in view source mode.

Known issues

  • If your site currently has more than 1,000 users, you will need to perform a search to filter down pro members in the control panel; previously, you could additionally filter by roles and groups by choosing drop-downs menus. This functionality will be restored and fully operational next week.

Release 2017-03-09

Feature enhancements

  • Single page reports
    The five Expert reports located at path /Special:Reports are now available at their own unique URLs:

    1.  The content aging report will be visible at path /Special:AgingReport
    2.  The search report will be visible at path /Special:SearchReport
    3.  The site activity report will be visible at path /Special:SiteActivityReport
    4.  The community scoring report will be visible at path /Special:SiteQualityReport
    5.  The site usage report will be visible at path /Special:SiteUsageReport

    The original path /Special:Reports will no longer direct users to the tabbed container where the reports once lived, but to a new dashboard where links to the reports can be found.

Bug fixes

  • Unlinking URLs (TCS and MT4)
    We fixed an issue where page titles were not able to unlink from their URLs.
  • SEO warning causing title overflow
    Fixed a bug with the page titles in edit mode where an ampersand ("&") and a long title would cause the input field to extend outside the content container.
  • Users table warning message
    Fixed an issue in the control panel where the Users table warning message would not load if the site had more than 1000 users.
  • Links in tables
    Fixed an issue where you were unable to add links inside a table in the editor. 
  • Paths with the same page appearing twice
    Fixed an issue where you could possibly have the same page appear twice in a path when saving that path.
  • PDF generation error
    Fixed an issue where a PDF could not be generated if it contained an image that had a trailing space in its name.
    Ex: src="/@api/deki/files/20504/action_menu_12.png "

Known issues

  • Search report
    In this past release, there is a known issue with the search report page not loading all the contents of your user searches. We are looking into the issue and will have a fix in next week’s release. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Release 2017-03-16

Feature enhancements

  • Content branding regions (Responsive)
    We have released three new branding regions in Responsive.  Content branding regions are customizable containers located above, below, and to the side of your content container that when used, will appear on every page throughout your site, like your custom header or footer. 
  • Conditional content UI update
    We have updated the way conditional content appears in the editor to improve the user experience for content writers. Conditional content will now be easier to identify, modify, and less likely to break.
  • Editor alignment and indentation update
    We have changed the way the editor aligns and indents content. Previously the editor used inline styles which did not follow responsive design best practices. The editor will start using class names to make it easier to create mobile ready styles for your site.

Release 2017-03-23

Bug fixes 

  • Default branding regions (Responsive)
    Fixed an issue where the new content header, footer, and side branding regions were not on by default.
  • User and Group table dialogs
    Fixed an issue with the alignment of some dialogs in the User and Group management tables in the control panel.
  • User management filtering
    We fixed the ability to filter by Last login and Created on dates in the user management table.
  • Thumbnail too large warning
    We fixed the warning that appears when a user uploads a page thumbnail that is too large.
  • Content IDs with special characters
    Fixed an issue where the warning for using the wrong characters when creating a Content ID was not appearing. 
  • Reverting draft URLs
    Fixed an issue where the URL used when reverting a draft was actually redirecting back to the draft page.
  • Draft manager URLs
    Fixed an issue where long URLs in the draft manager were not wrapping correctly and making the table too wide.
  • Path icon alignment
    Fixed an issue where the path icon in the editor widget was misaligned.
  • Path manager error
    Fixed an issue where the path manager would not load the path table if one of the paths was missing a summary.

Release 2017-03-30

Bug fixes

  • View revision name display
    Fixed a defect on Special:ViewRevision that would display the username instead of the display name.


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