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NICE CXone Expert

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Drag and drop files onto a page

Drag and drop is an optional method to add files and images to your Expert site.

When not in Edit mode, dragging and dropping files will cause them to upload into the Attachments table at the bottom of the page. When the page is in Edit mode, Expert directly attaches the file to the page and adds a copy of the file in the Attachments table. You can also attach multiple files to a page at the same time.

  1. Find the file of your choice, which can either be on your computer or the internet browser, and get it ready to drag over to your Expert site.
  2. Select and click on it (without releasing), and then drag it to the position you would like it to appear on the page.
  3. You can attach multiple files at once by selecting them and then dragging them onto the page.
  4. Release the clicked files, which should automatically upload to your page. If it is an image, it should appear on your page in the location that you dropped it in.
  5. After you drag and drop a file onto the page, you will notice that it also appears in the Attachments table.

You can attach a maximum of 1,000 files to a single page with a maximum file size of 268 MB for each attached file.

In the Attachments section, you can move, rename or delete the file.


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