For each article your users visit on your site, MindTouch intelligently suggests new articles your users may be interested in.
Recommend Article logic
The goal of showing recommended articles at the bottom of each article is to provide relevant information based on your user's interests. MindTouch uses tags and recent user activity to rank each article on your site in relation to the current article being viewed. Recommended Articles also displays the Page Summary (up to 150 characters). After your site reaches 100,000+ pages, MindTouch will stop relating your articles but still display Related Articles as indexed prior to your site reaching 100,000 pages.
How Tags affect Recommended Articles
MindTouch monitors your tags, giving greater weight to very specific tags used in only a few of your articles than to those tags that may be diluted throughout your site. If you have 3 articles that share the same tag, and 2 of those articles share another tag, then the two articles with the more unique tag relation will be the primary recommendation when visiting either of the two pages.
Ranking will also depend on other factors such as additional tags or previously visited pages. The more tags articles share, the more likely articles will be recommended for each other. To provide faster processing time, tags that are used in more than one-third of your articles are not considered.
When tags are added to an article, there will be a 15-30 second delay before the Recommended Articles are updated. These times can vary slightly depending on the size of your site. Anonymous users may or may not see instantaneous changes due to anonymous caching.