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NICE CXone Expert
Expert Success Center

January 2023 Releases

Release 2023-01-26

This release is complete. The Release was deployed to all Expert sites as of 12:50 PM (PST).



If a trailing slash is added to a redirect that contains a question mark, the redirect still works as expected.


The User Activity token now behaves as expected for the GET:events/user-activity/{token} endpoint.


Page Privacy

When restricting access and including sub-pages, the sub-page and attachment count are now included in the confirmation dialogue.

Release 2023-01-19

This release is complete. The Release was deployed to all Expert sites as of 9:16 AM (PST).


Site Language

Localized sites will now translate the Attachments header on article pages as expected.



The sub-pages endpoint now returns the page restriction of the sub-pages returned by the GET request. 

Search Insights Report

A download button has been added to the Search Insights Report. Contact your CSM or support for more information.

Release 2023-01-12

This release is complete. The Release was deployed to all Expert sites as of 5:37 PM (PST).

Today’s release included under-the-hood changes for product maintenance and preparation for upcoming features.

Release 2023-01-05

This release is complete. The Release was deployed to all Expert sites as of 1:29 PM (PST).



For the page resource, a known custom header is now required for retrieving and updating content with the content type of text/plain. 



The filtering panel on the search page is localized. The titles "Filter result", "Location", "Classification", and "Include attachments" display in the target language.


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