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NICE CXone Expert
Expert Success Center

February 2023 Releases

Release 2023-02-23

This release is complete. The Release was deployed to all Expert sites as of 11:26 AM (PST).


Review Manager

The last review of a published draft still appears in the Archived Reviews table. Previously, a review that was accepted prior to publishing was removed from the Archived Reviews table.



In the screenshot, the top window shows the Archived Reviews table and the bottom shows the Reviews download. The last edit of the page "Vinho Verde", which was requested of the user Editor, did not appear in the Archived Reviews table.


Conditional Content

When conditional content is removed in the editor, the group box now also disappears. This was confusing for content authors.




Search Insights Report

There is a new API endpoint to download the details of individual queries as a CSV: @api/deki/site/search/analytics/querydetails.csv

This functionality is also available as a Download button within the report UI. Please contact your CSM for more information.



Page restriction levels can be added to the article view. This allows the page last edit, editor, and page privacy to display in Touchpoints that include page view functionality. If you would like to enable this, please contact your CSM.


Release 2023-02-16

This release is complete. The Release was deployed to all Expert sites as of 2:36 PM (PST).



UI updates that were previously launched to existing sites are now also available to new sites.

Release 2023-02-09

This release is complete. The Release was deployed to all Expert sites as of 1:02 PM (PST).



Users can add a new page to a KCS Guide using the Create button, regardless of how many templates exist. Previously, the button was enabled only when there were already 2 or more templates.

Review Manager

When a user updates the title of a draft page, it is reflected in the Submit Review window.


Reporting (Panther)

Users who appear in the Site History report as making updates now also display correctly in the User Contributions Report.


Embedded Contextual Help

Navigation customization has been added for newly created Touchpoints.

Before: After:
clipboard_efc351fd8bfb3c5dfb9cd1e874e32d21d.png clipboard_e3558c12f34eb62413b0a63560bb67d48.png

Release 2023-02-02

This release is complete. The Release was deployed to all Expert sites as of 12:55 PM (PST).



The sub-page restriction level has been added to the endpoint @api/deki/pages/{pageid}/sub-pages in order to return the sub-page restriction on the XML.

Search Insights Report

There is a new API endpoint to download this report as a CSV: @api/deki/site/search/analytics/queries.csv


The tree browser can be set to display article type icons.

Before: After:
Screenshot of old browser tree icons, which all look like folders. Screenshot of new tree browser icons, which allow users to easily identify pages by type (category, guide, article).


Review Manager

The "Assign to Me" option is now visible to authors who are assigned to more than one group.

Screenshot of Review Manager dropdown allowing a user to apply one of the following actions to an open review: Reassign, Assign to me, or Cancel.


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