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NICE CXone Expert
Expert Success Center

Show certain elements on Categories or Guides


The following elements only show up on Article pages (Topics, How-To's, References):

  • Article rating and feedback
  • Related articles
  • File attachments
  • Table of Contents

These elements do not show up in Guides and Categories because they are being hidden by CSS. However, you can use CSS to force them to display on non-Articles should the situation call for it.


Use the following CSS to display the elements on Guides and Categories:

Article rating and feedback

.mt-feedback-rating-container {
    display: block !important;

Related articles

.elm-related-articles-container {
    display: block !important;

File attachments

.elm-attachments {
    display: block !important;

Table of Contents

#mt-toc-container {
    display: block !important;

PDF Download

Although the PDF download button can be shown on any page, pages that are set to Guides cannot be converted into a PDF

.elm-pdf-export {
    display: block !important;

Back to Top button

.mt-icon-back-to-top {
    display: block !important;


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