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Subscribe to drafts

Applies to:
MindTouch (current)
Role required:

Like live page subscriptions, enabling notifications on draft pages allows users to stay updated on the live page and changes on any drafts. This allows all stakeholders and contributors to stay informed on changes and workflows.

Users can receive notification emails when a draft is edited, deleted, published, or has its access restricted. An email is also sent when a tag has been updated or a file has been added, updated or deleted.

How to subscribe to draft pages

  1. Navigate to the draft you want to subscribe to.
  2. Click the Page Notifications icon Outline of a star indicating the page has not been subscribed to yet. (star) in the upper right-hand corner of the draft and select the appropriate radio button to set your subscription:
    Draft notification options: 1) Subscribe to notifications for this draft only, 2) For this draft and all sub-page drafts, 3) Turn OFF notifications for this draft, or 4) Manage my subscriptions

Manage draft subscriptions

Learn how to change your draft subscriptions.


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