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Add a footnote to your page to show ancillary information at the bottom of a page.

Footnotes1 can be essential when trying to relay additional information to a user. Most readers will review the footnotes after they read the text from where the footnotes are anchored 2 to more fully understand the content.

Create a footnote

  1. Identify the text that you wish to add some additional information or a citation to.
  2. Add the footnote number at the end of your text.
  3. Highlight the footnote number and click the Superscript button in the editor.

Create the footnote section

  1. Navigate to the bottom of the page or content.
  2. To separate the footnote section from the rest of the content, click Format > Page break to add a horizontal line.
  3. Underneath the page break line, add your footnote's reference.  Make sure to reference the original number of the footnote 3.

Link the footnote and its reference

  1. Highlight the footnote number at the end of your text and click the Link button.
  2. Delete the content in the Link to: field and click Update Link to create a blank link.
  3. In the editor toolbar, click View and select Source.
  4. In the source code, find the<a> tag for the link.
  5. Modify the href property based on your own naming conventions. In the example below, fn1 stands for footnote 1.
  6. Add an id to the <a> tag.
  7. The final link should look something like this in Source mode:
<a href="#fn1" id="rf1" title=""><sup>1</sup></a>

1. A footnote is a note placed at the bottom of a page that it is on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.

2. Often, the most interesting information is found in the footnotes.

3. That is all it takes to create a footnote.


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