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NICE CXone Expert
Expert Success Center

Saving content as a PDF file (MT4)

Applies to:
MindTouch 4 (legacy)
Role required:
Create a PDF file of any page in your knowledge base.

Creating a PDF file

To create a PDF file, perform the following steps:

Navigating to the Save as PDF option

From the article, in the upper-right corner, click the PDF PDF_icon.png icon.

Saving the PDF file

  1. From the Exporting Page dialog box, click Click here to download the exported PDF.
  2. In the PDF review tab in your browser, click the Save icon.
  3. In the Save As window, select the location you wish to save the PDF to, change the file name (if needed), and then click Save.

Creating a PDF book

By creating a PDF book you can select articles across the site and combine them into a single PDF file.  Follow the steps below to create your own PDF book.  

Navigating to the Save as PDF option

From the article, in the upper-right corner, click the PDF PDF_icon.png icon.

Creating the book

From the Exporting page dialog box, select Click here to create a book containing this page.

Image of Exporting page dialog box

Selecting Articles for your PDF Book

You will see the hierarchy where you can choose articles that you want to be added to your book by clicking on an article and selecting Add Page:

select an article.png

Once you've clicked Add Page it will show in the list of pages at the bottom of the book creator:

page added.png

Adding Multiple pages at once

If you want to add a subtree of pages in the hierarchy to your PDF book then you can click on the parent page of the subtree and then click on Add Tree:

multiple pages being added.png

This will then add them to your Current Book queue.  

Managing your Current Book

Once you've added the articles to your Current Book, you have the ability to change the order of the pages by dragging and dropping them.  You can also remove pages by clicking the x next to the page name.  

Remove articles.png

You also have a url that you can use to return to your PDF book configuration so that you can easily modify it in the future.  The url can also be shared with other users so that they can modify to make their own PDF books:

book editor url.png

Saving PDF book

Once you have added all of the articles that you'd like in your PDF book, then you can generate the PDF book by clicking on the View Book button:

view book.png

This will then load the PDF in a new tab or download it, depending on your browser settings.  

Known Limitations

Book Output

A PDF book can contain up to 10 Expert articles. If more than 10 articles are added to a book, only the first 10 will be rendered within the PDF book. Note that this limit is relative to the amount of content within each Expert article. If the articles within your book each contain over 3 PDF pages of content, the system may be unable to render the entire book.

User Guide Navigation and Table of Contents

The table of contents and previous/next functionalities which are surfaced within user guide pages are not rendered within PDF output.

Wide Table Output

Some wider tables may stretch past the page width when saving a topic as a PDF. While this is commonly handled within the standard page view of the Expert user interface by using the CSS "word-wrap" property, this property is not supported within PDF CSS.

Image Rendering

While Expert does allow many different images types to be attached within pages, only the following image types are supported for rendering within PDF output:

  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • TIFF
  • GIF

What is Next

You can add customizations to your generated PDFs including a Custom Header/Footer and even CSS overrides so that your PDFs match your corporate brand.  


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