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Google Analytics dashboards

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Why set up a Google Analytics dashboard?

Your site will drive a wealth of traffic from all areas of your business. This includes your customers, partners, colleagues, management and more. Each stakeholder plays a different part in the success of your site and will ultimately measure themselves differently. It is important to keep multiple perspectives in mind when analyzing your success.

For instance, you may look at Expert to:

  • measure your investment (executive)
  • confirm your team is executing objectives (director)
  • identify high impact tactical steps to improvement (contributor)
  • measure the impact of your knowledge (support manager)
  • educate prospects (sales)
  • seize the market (marketing)

Google Analytics Dashboard Example

Google Analytics dashboard examples

Set up custom dashboards for specific stakeholders in your company concerned with different types of data.

Manager Dashboard

Use a Manager dashboard to measure the overall performance and growth of your site, specifically from the perspective of your customers. Include data points such as:

  • Returning users
  • Geo-location (regional)
  • Top traffic channels
  • Device usage
  • Top social channels
  • Total users helped
  • Engaged users
  • Avg. reading time
  • Articles read per session


Author Dashboard

Use an Author dashboard to identify how to systematically improve the performance of your content. Regular improvements to your content over time mean that you can reach, help and educate more customers. Include data points such as:

  • Average reading time
  • Articles read per session
  • Top 5 articles to improve
  • Top 5 articles to create (based on site search)
  • Top 5 articles to create (based on Google Search)


Custom dashboards

For expert guidance on getting the most from your Google Analytics data, contact Professional Services.


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