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NICE CXone Expert
Expert Success Center


<property revision="{revision}" resid="{id}" name="{name}" href="https://{hostname}/@api/deki/{resource}/info" etag="{etag}" resource-is-deleted="{deleted}" resource-rev-is-deleted="{rev-deleted}">
    <contents type="{mimetype}" size="{size}" href="https://{hostname}/@api/deki/{resource}">
Name Type Description
{revision} int The property revision
{id} int Local property id - if the property is exported and imported into a different Expert site, a new local property id will be assigned
{name} string The property name (ex: Required properties that the Expert platform relies on are often prefixed with namespaces ending with a # symbol (ex:
{hostname} string The Expert site hostname
{resource} string The parent resource that this property is assigned to (available: User, Page, Site)
{etag} string A checksum of the last property modification. The etag can be provided when modifying the property to prevent out-of-sync revision editing collisions
{deleted} bool Was this property deleted?
{rev-deleted} bool Was this specific property revision deleted?
{mimetype} string Property content type (default: text/plain)
{size} int Property content size in bytes
{contents} string A preview of the textual representation of the property content. If the property is larger than 2048 bytes, then the property content must be loaded using the contents/@href URI
{date.modified} datetime ISO 8601 representation of the property's creation or last modification timestamp
{user.modified} User The user that created or last modified the property



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