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NICE CXone Expert
Expert Success Center

April 2024 Releases

Releases: 2024-04-04, 2024-04-11, 2024-04-25

Release 2024-04-25

This release is complete. The Release was deployed to all Expert sites as of 11:54 AM (PST).



Search constraints with quotes and a question mark now return results correctly. Previously, searching for something like What does "Expert" mean? would cause an error.

Pinned Pages

Unicode characters now display correctly in the pinned pages widget. Previously, characters were displayed as question marks.

Before: After:
Pinned Pages - Chinese charcters displaying as question marks release_20240418.png Pinned Pages - Chinese charcters displaying correctly release_20240418.png


Review Queue report

There is now an option to download historical Review data, which can be used to audit review history.

Before: After:
Review Manager - Review Queue before release_20240418.png Review Manager - Review Queue - All Reviews History button added.png

The available report download options are:

  • All Reviews: Shows the last state of each Review
  • My Reviews: Shows the reviews you have started
  • All Reviews History: Shows all reviews and each state change along with comments that have been made

Release 2024-04-11

This release is complete. The Release was deployed to all Expert sites as of 5:24 PM (PST).

Today’s release included under-the-hood changes for product maintenance and preparation for upcoming features.

Release 2024-04-04

This release is complete. The Release was deployed to all Expert sites as of 3:14 PM (PST).


Draft Manager

Search now returns accurate results. Previously, results were not returned despite draft articles existing that matched the query.

Review Manager

After a review is accepted, the Requested By and Requested Of columns in the Archived tab display the correct information. Previously, the names in these columns were switched.


YouTube videos can now be embedded / inserted from the Editor toolbar. This was not working on some Expert sites.

Hawthorn UI
  • When opening the Options menu from the toolbar, Page Settings no longer blocks the menu.
    Before: After:
    Hawthorn fix release_20240404.png Hawthorn fix release_20240404 after.png
  • Additionally, the Site Tools menu can now be hovered over, and is clickable from the Dashboard page.
    Before: After:
    Hawthorn fix release_20240404 b.png Hawthorn fix release_20240404 b after.png


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