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NICE CXone Expert
Expert Success Center

Logos and icons

Applies to:
All MindTouch Versions
Role required:

Upload a logo or icon

  1. Ensure you are signed in as an Admin on your site.
  2. Navigate to Site Tools > Control Panel > Branding > Logo & Icons.
    • Site logo: Click Choose File, select an image, and click Upload Logo
    • Site Favicon: Click Choose File, select an image, and click Upload Favicon.
    • Apple Touch icon: Click Choose File, select an image, and click Upload Apple Touch Icon.
    • Social share logo: Click Choose File, select an image, and click Upload Social Share Logo.

To replace a current file, after selecting the new image, you must click Upload once the name of the new image appears in the Choose File field. 

Site logo

The site logo appears in the upper left corner of the header area. Supported file types include .gif, .jpg, .png, and .svg. Large file sizes will increase the load time for mobile users, so we recommend you use the smallest effective file size when uploading images.



A favicon is an image that represents a site and is used by web browsers in the URL field, tabs, bookmarks, and in some search results. CXone Mpower Expert sites come with a default favicon.

If a .png favicon image looks discolored compared to the preview, change the file format to .ico. If you do not have an operating system that supports this change, a free service like ICOconvert can help.


Apple Touch icon

These icons are used for bookmarks to sites on the iOS platform and may be pulled into 3rd party search results in some cases.


Social share logo

Social media platforms tend to request square image dimensions. 


  • Use the same favicon and site logo across web properties to create a seamless user experience.
  • Use an image editing program to pre-shrink logos to the max container size so it will look exactly as intended. Logos and icons smaller than the max will not be stretched to fill the space.
  • If there is extra white space or padding, use an image editing program to remove the white space, then save as a .png file with a transparent background.
  • If your image has no white space, upload it as a .jpg for a smaller file size and faster load time.

Edge cases

  • To upload a site logo larger than 300px width or 300px height: If your logo must be larger than 300px, contact your Account Manager to arrange a technical resource for this change, because CSS will need to be customized for mobile devices.
    You should still attach a logo to your site under Site Tools > Control Panel > Branding > Logo & Icons, because system emails will feature a logo. If no logo is uploaded, the CXone Mpower Expert logo will be included by default.
  • White logo not appearing in your site-generated emails: Use an image editing program to add a background to the image that matches your header color. Your site will not appear different, but the logo in the email will be visible. If you are having trouble or want to consider having separate logos for emails and for your site, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
  • Site logo is being cut off on social media sites or chat integrations like Slack or Discord: Some applications only take the center part of the image. Upload a new social share icon with transparent white space to the left and right of the logo.


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