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NICE CXone Expert
Expert Success Center

Prevent GPTBot from accessing your site

Expert allows you to prevent GPTBot from accessing your site through a checkbox in the Control Panel. This checkbox adds GPTBot to your robots.txt.

Unlike adding noindex to your robots.meta in the site header, which allows your site to be visited but not indexed by the crawler, disabling GPTBot access means your site will not be visited by the GPTBot crawler at all.

Disable GPTBot access

  1. Navigate to Control Panel > Configuration > Site Options.
  2. Check the box Disable GPT bot crawling.

Control Panel - disable GPT bot crawling.png

Verify GPT bot access has been disabled

Once the box is checked in the Control Panel, the blocking script for GPT should show in robots.txt. If the box is unchecked, the script should not appear:

User-agent: GPTBot
Disallow: /

robots txt with GPT bot disabled.png


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