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Control page indexing with robots meta tag

Applies to:
All MindTouch Versions
Role required:
The robots meta tag indicates which pages you want search engines to crawl for indexing and/or scan for links to follow.

What is meta.robots?

meta.robots or the robots meta tag tells the search engine not to show a specific page in the search results. By default, most search engines index pages they find.

  • Robots can ignore the <meta> tag, especially malware robots that scan the site used by spammers.
  • The "nofollow" attribute only applies to links on the desired page.
  • Do not confuse "nofollow" with rel="nofollow" link attribute.
    • rel="nofollow" is an attribute that can be set on a HTML <a> link tag.
      Example: <a href="happy.jpg" rel="nofollow">Happy</a>
    • These links do not get credited when Google ranks sites in search results.

Add meta tag to header template

  1. Navigate to Site tools > Dashboard Site AdministrationTemplate directory.
  2. Find the template Site Header.
  3. Click the pencil icon to the right of it to edit.
  4. In Edit mode, add the appropriate meta tag in a DekiScript field.

Add meta tag to individual page

  1. Open a page in Edit mode.
  2. Add the appropriate meta tag in a DekiScript field.

Meta tag examples

To index pages and follow any links on that page:


To hide pages from search engines:


To tell search engines not to follow links:



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