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Site History Analytics API

The Site History analytics API endpoint gives you the data that you would find in the Site History report download. This information helps you identify when a page was changed and who made the edits, to provide a quick overview of how your site has changed. Each row in the report represents an event.

API endpoint: /@api/deki/events/page-hierarchy/logs/file?month=YYYY-MM

This will give you a result with the following data:

Depending on the event type, columns describing the changes may be left blank, rather than displaying any values or text.

Field Name Description Type Example

The date and time the event occurred


Format: MM/DD/YYYY  HH:MM:ss XX

12/1/2023  12:05:48 AM

Time Zone: UTC

PAGE_PATH Location of current page, in the format xxx/xxx/xxx/ STRING Admin/Release_Notes/2023/11-November
PAGE_ID Unique page identifier NUMBER 18260
TYPE Event type STRING


USER_ID Unique user identifier NUMBER 435
COMMENT Author notes about changes made STRING

added notes for latest release

updated formatting based on Style Guide

Fixed typo

WORDS_ADDED The number of words added from the body text NUMBER 23
WORDS_REMOVED The number of words removed from the body text NUMBER 56
STRUCTURAL_CHANGES Non-character related format changes. NUMBER 12
ATTRIBUTE_CHANGES Character related format changes. NUMBER 0
DIFF_TOO_LARGE Reports 'true' if changes are too large to report in Draft History BOOLEAN TRUE
FROM_PATH Location from which page was moved or copied, in the format xxx/xxx/xxx/... STRING Admin/Release_Notes/2023/11-November


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