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Page Privacy - Restrict Access

Use the Restrict Access page to configure how users can view, find, and edit pages.

From the toolbar, select Options > Restrict Access.

A new page automatically inherits the Restrict Access settings of its parent page.

Page-level permissions for a role with Edit privileges only apply to Pro Members.

If Site Privacy is Public, then Public and Semi-Public pages appear in XML sitemap.

Page privacy


Everyone can view or find, must assign page-level or Control Panel role to be able to edit. Higher-level Control Panel role supersedes page-level role.

  • View - all visitors can view page if they follow the direct link.
  • Find - all visitors can find page via Expert search and navigation, search engines can index page if Site Privacy is Public.
  • Edit - Seated users assigned Control Panel or page-level role can edit.
    • Draft Contributor can edit drafts.
    • Author role or higher can edit drafts or live pages.


Everyone can view or find, must assign page-level role to be able to edit.

  • View - all visitors can view page if they follow the direct link.
  • Find - all visitors can find page via Expert search and navigation, search engines can index page if Site Privacy is Public.
  • Edit - Seated users assigned page-level role can edit.
    • Draft Contributor can create or edit drafts.
    • Author role or higher can edit drafts or live page.


Everyone can view, must assign page-level role to be able to find or edit.

  • View - all visitors can view page if they follow the direct link.
  • Find - users or groups assigned page-level role of Viewer or higher can find page via Expert search and navigation, search engines cannot index page.
  • Edit - Seated users assigned page-level role can edit.
    • Draft Contributor can create or edit drafts.
    • Author role or higher can create or edit drafts or live pages.

Links to pages with Semi-Private setting no longer appear in the Page Footer Navigation area as of Release 2019-05-09.


Must assign page-level role to be able to view, find, or edit.

  • View - users or groups assigned page-level role of Viewer or higher can view page.
  • Find - users or groups assigned page-level role of Viewer or higher can find page via Expert search and navigation, search engines cannot index page.
  • Edit - Seated users assigned page-level role can edit.
    • Draft Contributor or higher can create or edit drafts.
    • Author role or higher can edit drafts or live page.

Page-level permissions

See Seated Member roles and permissions for a list of permissions for each role. 

If Page Privacy is set to Public, then Control Panel role applies and you can assign page-level roles for additional users or groups to be able to edit.

If Page Privacy is set to Semi-Public, then assign a page-level role for users or groups to be able to edit.

If Page Privacy is set to Semi-Private, then assign a page-level role for users or groups to be able to find or edit.

If Page Privacy is set to Private, then assign a page-level role for users or groups to be able to view, find, or edit.

Apply changes to sub-pages

To modify the settings for a whole section, modify Restrict Access settings for the parent page and select Apply changes to all sub-pages. Options include:

  • Keep existing permissions on sub-pages and add the difference of changes (safer)
  • Overwrite all permissions on sub-pages to the settings on this page


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