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NICE CXone Expert
Expert Success Center

Site navigation elements

Applies to:
MindTouch (current)
Role required:

A hierarchy menu orients users and allows them to navigate to various sections across a site. Users can skip to other sections within a hierarchy via tree view navigation,  breadcrumb navigation, or top level category navigation.

Tree view navigation

Click the folder icon in the header to see all categories and guides available according to your user permissions. Topic, how-to, and reference articles are not visible in the hierarchy since this functionality should not be used to find content but to orient users.header-hierarchy-nav.png

The current page location displays in a darker shade.


Breadcrumb navigation

The breadcrumb trail is a guide to the page's location within a section of the site's hierarchy. Users can navigate to the page's parent category or guide to further explore the sections that contain the page.


Top level navigation

When configured on a site, this header navigation display will show the top level categories or guides available on your site. There is also an option for displaying the sub-pages that exist under each top level page. If you are interested in turning on this feature for your Expert site, please contact Support.



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