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NICE CXone Expert
Expert Success Center

Set or Reset a Password

Applies to:
All MindTouch Versions
Role required:
This article reviews password requirements for creating or resetting passwords.

Having a strong password reduces the chance of someone guessing your password and increases the security on your site.

  • Administrators can set passwords in the control panel, either when initially adding a user or when editing a user
  • Whether as part of password management or to follow your company's security guidelines, eventually you may be required to change your password

Reset a password

If your user account was created as a single sign-on user (password fields will be grayed out for you), contact your site administrator to change your password.

  1. On the Expert site toolbar, click your user icon and select My preferences
  2. Enter your old and new passwords.

Password requirements

  • The password must be at least eight (8) characters in length.
  • The password must contain at least two (2) of the following characters: lowercase, uppercase, number or symbol.
  • Expert does not recognize underscores _ as special characters.
  • The password cannot contain common dictionary words. Use a password generator such as or create variations of words with symbols and numbers, for example p@$$w0rd.
  • Passwords are case sensitive.

When entering a password, icons indicate if you have met the requirements. A green checkmark indicates requirements are met; a yellow triangle indicates requirements are not met. 



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