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NICE CXone Expert
Expert Success Center

Creating a Post in the Community

To engage with the Community, you can post two separate ways:

1. Post in the Expert Discussions Board: this board is visible to the greater NICE Customer Community.

2. Post in the CXone Expert Customer Community: this board is available only to those customers that have purchased CXone Expert.

Create a post in the Expert Discussions Board

  • Find the Collaborate & Learn drop down menu  and click on "Discussion Topics": 


  • Select the "Expert" tile


  • Click on the "Ask the Community" Button


Fill out the form to post to the Community Board. 

community post form.png

Follow and Subscribe to this discussions board. 



Create a Post in the CXone Expert Customer Community Group

  • Find the Collaborate & Learn drop down menu  and click on "Groups": 

Groups Drop down.png

  • Select "CXone Expert Community Group"


* If you have not been added to this group, request to be added. 


  • Select how you would like to post in the group: Question, Poll, Post, or Announcement


  • Subscribe to this group to receive updates in your inbox. 




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