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Media Manager Collection Privacy and Permissions

There are two ways you need to think about privacy and permissions when it comes to Collections in the Media Manager:

  1. Who can view the Collections
  2. Who can make changes to the Collections

Media in the Media Manager will not show up in general search, regardless of the privacy settings applied to the Collection.  

How Collection privacy affects:

The visibility of media on a page
  • Public: Media will show up for anyone who can access the page content.
  • Semi-Public: Media will show up for anyone who can access the page content.
  • Semi-Private: Media will show up for anyone who can access the page content.
  • Private: Media will only show up for users / groups who have been assigned access to the Media Manager Collection where the media is located.


Editing and findability of media in Media Manager by seated users with the appropriate role
  • Public: The Collection can be located and edited
  • Semi-Public: The Collection can be located, but can only be edited by users / groups who have been assigned access in the collection-level permissions.  
  • Semi-Private: The Collection can only be located and edited by users / groups who have been assigned access in the collection-level permissions.  
  • Private: The Collection can only be located and edited by users / groups who have been assigned access in the collection-level permissions. 

How roles affect a Seated user's ability to find and edit Collections that they have access to

These roles follow the same rules as page privacy, if the Collection privacy is set to:

  • Public: When more than one role is applied to a user, either through the user / group in the Control Panel or at the collection level, the highest role is the role user will have.
  • Semi-Public, Semi-Private, or Private: The role applied to the user or group at the Collection level is the role users will have. 
  • Viewer
    • Cannot view or make changes to Collections in the Media Manager
  • Draft Contributor
    • Can access Collections through the Editor when adding images 
    • Cannot access Collections through the Media Manager through the Dashboard 
    • Cannot make changes to Collections in Media Manager 
  • Author 
    • Can access Collections in the Media Manager through the Editor when adding images 
    • Can access Collections in the Media Manager through the Dashboard 
    • Can add and move media and Collections
    • Cannot delete media or Collections
    • Cannot change Collection privacy / permissions
  • Editor 
    • Can access Collections in the Media Manager through the Editor when adding images 
    • Can access Collections in the Media Manager through the Dashboard 
    • Can delete, add, and move media in Collections 
    • Can change Collection Privacy and Permissions 
  • Admin 
    • Can access and make changes to Collections in the Media Manager


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