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Wiki functions

The following functions and variables are part the DekiScript and Expert runtime environment.

wiki.api(source, nilOnError) : xml

Get an XML document from the API using the current user's credentials.

Name Type Description
source uri XML source uri
nilOnError bool (optional) return nil when an error occurs

Sample (functions used:  web.pre, xml.format,, site.api)

web.pre(xml.format(wiki.api(, ['pages', 'popular'], {limit:1})), nil));
<pages.popular count="1" href="">
  <page id="1" guid="00000000000000000000000000000000" draft.state="active" href="" deleted="false">
    <path seo="true" type="fixed">

wiki.appendpath(path, title) : str

Append a title to a page path.

Name Type Description
path str wiki page path
title any single page title or list of titles to append

wiki.contributors(path, max, recent, exclude) : xml

Show most active contributors for the site or a page.

Name Type Description
path str (optional) wiki page path (default: nil)
max num (optional) max results (default: 10)
recent bool (optional) order by most recent (default: false)
exclude str (optional) exclude inactive users (one of: none, inactive, all; default: none)

wiki.create(label, path, template, button, title, args) : xml

Insert a link or button to create a new page.

Name Type Description
label str (optional) label for edit link or button (default: "New page")
path str (optional) path to parent page for new page (default: current page)
template str (optional) template to use to populate new page (default: system default)
button bool (optional) show as button (default: true)
title str (optional) new title for page (default: "Page Title")
args map (optional) request arguments to pass to new page (default: nil) : xml

Show directory of pages matching the search query.

Name Type Description
query str (optional) search query (default: all pages in main namespace)

wiki.edit(label, path, section, button, template, args) : xml

Insert a link or button to open the editor.

Name Type Description
label str (optional) label for edit link or button (default: "Edit page")
path str (optional) path of page to edit (default: current page)
section str (optional) name of section to edit (default: edit entire page)
button bool (optional) show as button (default: true)
template str (optional) template to use to populate new page (default: system default)
args map (optional) request arguments to pass to page (default: nil)

wiki.getfile(fileid) : map

Get file object for a given file id.

Name Type Description
fileid num file id

wiki.getpage(page, redirect) : map

Get page object at wiki page path or id.

Name Type Description
page any wiki page path or id
redirect bool (optional) follow redirects (default: true)

wiki.getsearch(query, max, sortBy, constraint, offset) : list

Get list of found page and file objects.

Name Type Description
query str search query
max num (optional) max results (default: 10)
sortBy str (optional) sort field (one of "score", "title", "date", "size", "wordcount", "rating.score", "rating.count"; use "-title" for reverse order; default: "score")
constraint str (optional) additional search constraint (default: "")
offset num (optional) number of results to skip (default: 0)

The wiki.getsearch DekiScript function can significantly slow load on the embedded page or site. Usage of this call should be limited to lower-traffic, internal only pages and should not be included in templates.

wiki.gettag(tag) : map

Get specified tag.

Name Type Description
tag str tag name

wiki.getuser(user) : map

Get user object by user name or id.

Name Type Description
user any user name or id

wiki.inclusions(templates) : list

Get list of pages that form the current inclusion chain. The first item is the outermost page that is being loaded. The last item is the current page, unless the current page is a template and templates are excluded (see parameters below).

Name Type Description
templates bool (optional) list template pages as well (default: true)

wiki.language(path) : str

Get the effective language for a page given the page language, user language, and site language.

Name Type Description
path str (optional) wiki page path, text, title, target, redirect) : xml

Insert a hyperlink to a page.

Name Type Description
page any wiki page path or id
text any (optional) link contents; can be text, an image, or another document (default: page title)
title str (optional) link hover title (default: none)
target str (optional) link target (default: none)
redirect bool (optional) follow redirects (default: true)

wiki.localize(resourceName, resourceParameters) : xml

Retrieve a localized resource string.

Name Type Description
resourceName str wiki resource name
resourceParameters list (optional) wiki resource parameters (default: nil), section, revision, show, heading, nilIfMissing) : xml

Include an entire or part of another wiki page. will not include page styles--only content.

Expert includes a great feature which prevents an "infinite page" recursion scenario. When using a call, Expert will detect if a recursive loop is found (i.e., when a page transcludes itself). If this scenario is detected script execution is then suspended to prevent page timeouts. This condition will affect functionality within the transcluded content including DekiScript and global variables; under this scenario these content types will not be rendered.

Name Type Description
path str wiki page path
section str (optional) section to include on wiki page (default: full page)
revision num (optional) page revision to use: 0 is the head revision, > 0 stands for a specific revision (for example 1 is the first revision), < 0 is revision relative to head revision (for example -1 is the previous revision) (default: head revision)
show bool (optional) show page/section title of included page (default: false) *requires heading parameter below to be explicitly set
heading num (optional) set page/section title heading and adjust all sub-headings accordingly; the adjustment is applied even when the page/section heading is not shown (range: 0-5, where 0 is 'Title' style, 1 is 'Heading 1', and so forth; default: keep original headings)
nilIfMissing bool (optional) return nil if page/section is not found (default: return link to missing page/section)

Embed a page into a page"/Path/of/Page/To/Include"); // Get the path from the URL of the page you want to include

Embed a page section into a page"/Path/of/Page/To/Include", "Name of Section"); // Get the path from the URL of the page you want to include

wiki.pageexists(path) : bool

Check if the given wiki page exists.

Name Type Description
path str wiki page path

wiki.pagepermissions(page, user) : map

Get the effective permissions for a user and page.

Name Type Description
page any (optional) wiki page path or id (default: current page)
user any (optional) user name or id (default: current user)

Output a list of available user permissions 

var perms = wiki.pagepermissions();

Output a message if the user has Admin permission. 

var perms = wiki.pagepermissions();
if (perms.admin)
    "Welcome Administrator, we're glad you're here to manage the site"

wiki.popular(max) : xml

Show list of popular pages

Name Type Description
max num (optional) max number of pages (default: 10)

wiki.recentchangestimestamp(path, pages, tags, comments, files) : str

Compute a timestamp based on recent changes in a page hierarchy.

Name Type Description
path str (optional) wiki page path
pages bool (optional) include page changes (default: true)
tags bool (optional) include tag changes (default: true)
comments bool (optional) include comment changes (default: true)
files bool (optional) include file changes (default: true), max, sortBy, constraint, offset) : xml

Find wiki pages and files.

Name Type Description
query str search query
max num (optional) max results (default: 10)
sortBy str (optional) sort field (one of "score", "title", "date", "size", "wordcount", "rating.score", "rating.count"; use "-title" for reverse order; default: "score")
constraint str (optional) additional search constraint (default: "")
offset num (optional) number of results to skip (default: 0)

wiki.template(path, args, target, conflict) : xml

Invoke a template page.

Name Type Description
path str template path
args any (optional) template arguments (default: nil)
target str (optional) alternative body target (default: nil)
conflict str (optional) conflict resolution if target already exists (one of "ignore", "replace", or "append"; default: "ignore")

wiki.text(path, section, revision, nilIfMissing) : str

Retrieve the text contents for an entire or part of another wiki page.

Name Type Description
path str wiki page path
section str (optional) section to include on wiki page (default: nil)
revision num (optional) page revision to use: 0 is the head revision, > 0 stands for a specific revision (for example 1 is the first revision), < 0 is revision relative to head revision (for example -1 is the previous revision) (default: head revision)
nilIfMissing bool (optional) return nil if page/section is not found (default: return name of missing page/section)

wiki.toc(path, depth) : xml

Show the table of contents of a wiki page.

Name Type Description
path str (optional) wiki page path
depth num (optional) heading depth for table of contents (default: all)

wiki.tree(path, depth, reverse) : xml

Show hierarchy of pages starting at a wiki page.

This DekiScript call can significantly slow load on the embedded page or site. Usage of this call should be limited to Admin only pages and should not be included in templates.

Name Type Description
path str (optional) wiki page path
depth num (optional) nesting depth for retrieving child pages (default: all)
reverse bool (optional) reverse order of child pages

wiki.uri(path, query) : str

Retrieve the full uri of a given wiki page.

Name Type Description
path str wiki page path
query str (optional) query

Ex. https://site.domain/pagePath 

wiki.version() : map

Get the current version number.


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