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NICE CXone Expert
Expert Success Center

Expert for Zendesk

Expert for Zendesk
Integrate CXone Expert with Zendesk for customer engagement and ticket deflection.

Expert for Zendesk pertains only to Zendesk instances. Instructions to create and configure this package do not apply to other CRMs or ticketing systems.

Why should I use Expert for Zendesk?

Integrating Expert for Zendesk into your Zendesk application provides the following benefits:

  • Insight into customer behavior. Support agents gain valuable insight into the user behavior of customers who are submitting tickets.
  • Targeted ticket resolution. Support agents are better equipped to answer customer questions, provide meaningful direction and close tickets faster.
  • Self-service opportunities. Customers will be more satisfied with their experience and have opportunities to learn, self-serve and engage.
  • Content quality control. Content managers gain insight into which documentation is lacking in providing help to customers.


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