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NICE CXone Expert
Expert Success Center

Table variables

Applies to:
MindTouch (current)
Role required:
Tables are used to organize information in a tabular fashion, similar to a spreadsheet. In Expert there are a few LESS variables you can use to style your tables.

Customize tables




Default value: @default-font-family

Definition: The font used in the cells of the table (ex. Times New Roman, Arial, Verdana, etc). Lato is the default font used.



Default value: lighten(@highlight-color, 37%)  

Definition: The background color of the table header cells.



Default value: @highlight-color;  

Definition: The color of the bottom border of the table header.



Default value: @default-font-family

Definition: The font used in the header cells of the table (ex. Times New Roman, Arial, Verdana, etc). Lato is the default font used.



Default value: @background;  

Definition: Background color on all odd rows characterized by a lighter color than the even rows. The default color is the same as the site's background color.



Default value: @secondary-container-background-color  

Definition: Background color on all even rows characterized by a darker color than the odd rows. The default color is the same used for secondary containers (TOC, page settings, etc).



Default value: lighten(@highlight-color, 40%)  

Definition: The background color of the entire row that appears when a user moves their mouse over it.



Default value: lighten(@highlight-color, 35%)  

Definition: The background color of a row when it has been clicked on. Only applies to specialized tables where a user can select a row. It is a slightly darker shade of the color used for table row hovers.



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