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Define Business Outcomes and KPIs

To define business outcomes and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), first understand your strategic plan, business goals, and business objectives.

Understand the strategic plan 

Many organizations are experiencing seismic shifts in their industry, which requires leaders to redefine and re-imagine all elements of their organization and how they conduct business. These shifts come in the form of disruptive new models and technology advancements in existing markets. Organizations are forced to challenge how they earn and maintain competitive advantage, acquire new business, and retain current customers. The resulting business transformations occurring within organizations impact people, systems, and processes.

Action Item: Identify what is driving transformation in your industry and organization so you can operationalize your strategic plan. Where are you going and what does success look like for you?

Define business goals

Successful Expert deployments can deliver unparalleled business value in two specific areas:

  1. Reduce operating costs associated with customer support to allow your organization to scale
  2. Create experiences that build loyal happy customers and impact revenue

These two business goals can be delivered individually or at the same time. 

Action Item: Identify what is driving the need for cost savings or revenue-driven goals to focus all aspects of your implementation. What outcomes need to be realized?

Create business objectives

Business objectives are the desirable future state a company wants to accomplish. They help to define the use cases and user stories that people will use to reach their objectives. Understanding the business objectives that support your business goals ensures your implementation has focus.

Sample Business Objectives

  • Reduce tier one cases - by reducing the number of cases that customers submit, Acme Corp can begin to control costs associated with supporting customers.
  • Develop self-service experience for customers - enabling Acme Corp agents to primarily focus on complex cases that require human-to-human communication will provide customers with a better support experience.
  • Create a scalable support model that allows for growth without additional infrastructure investment - as Acme Corp acquires new business, scale with existing resources without compromising customer experience.

Action Item: Identify your business objectives. What roadmap items does your Expert deployment need to maintain alignment with your business goals and strategic plan?

Outcomes and KPIs

Defining outcomes and KPIs is necessary to allow implementation teams to test use cases and user stories against desired results.

Examples of organizationally focused (voice of the business) outcomes and KPIs

  • Average handle time (AHT)
  • Ticket escalation
  • Service calls
  • First contact resolution (FCR)
  • Agent onboarding or training
  • Mean time to resolution

Examples of customer-centric (voice of the customer) outcomes and KPIs

  • Customer satisfaction score (CSAT)
  • Customer effort score (CES)
  • Time on site
  • Sessions
  • New visitors
  • Returning visitors
  • Mobile traffic
  • Call to action engagement
  • Navigation behavior
  • Search analytics

Action Item: Identify the outcomes and KPIs that will reflect desired results. How will you know if you are moving towards your strategic vision and what cornerstone content does your target audience need to to solve problems?

Customer-first approach

Next-generation customer experience hinges on your ability to meet the growing demand for self-service and provide effortless experiences for customers.

How customer-focused is your approach to knowledge management?

Customer-First Knowledge Management Checklist


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