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NICE CXone Expert
Expert Success Center

Strategies for Knowledge Success: Improving Readiness and Productivity

This webinar covers Media Manager and Advance Search capabilities.

Summary: ​Discover how Media Manager streamlines media organization, saving you time while ensuring knowledge stays current and accessible. Uncover the capabilities of advanced search options, including file extensions, paths, tags, and article dates, to surface content that meets a user's specific needs and intent.


- Denise Vega introduced the new Media Manager feature for improving document and media management. It provides centralized visibility into files stored across the site, dedicated file search, default alt text for accessibility, and reporting on file usage.

- Some use cases for Media Manager include identifying unused assets to remove, updating file names/descriptions, organizing files separately from content pages, and restricting access to certain files.

- Tim Hill discussed Advanced Search capabilities like searching by date range, author, attachments, and custom fields. It allows power users to filter search results more precisely.

- Examples were shared for using Advanced Search, like finding drafts edited recently, content from certain authors, pages with specific attachments, and filtering content aging reports.

- Tips were provided, like using parentheses to indicate Advanced Search queries and constraints with "+" instead of boolean operators to simplify syntax. 

- There was discussion around searching by page ID, which is currently unavailable but could be a useful future enhancement. A workaround was shared to link directly to a page ID.

- Overall the new Media Manager and existing Advanced Search features provide more robust tools for organizing, finding, and reporting on content and files in the system.


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