Completions Report API for GenSearch Responses
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The Completions Report API endpoint gives you data about the queries and responses site visitors are generating using Expert LLM tools on your site. This information shows:
- How users ask questions
- The responses generative AI returned for those questions
- The pages the responses were pulled from to answer the query.
Each row in the report represents a Completions event.
API endpoint: GET {site-url}/@api/deki/llm/completion/report?month=YYYY-MM
Admins can call the report from the browser by modifying their URL as follows: {site-url}/@api/deki/llm/completion/report?month=YYYY-MM
The report is updated daily at 12:00 AM PST, and contains data from the time the report has been enabled onward.
This will give you a result with the following data:
Field Name | Description | Type | Example |
USER_ID | The user who performed the query | NUMBER | 840 |
QUERY_DATE | The date and time the query was asked |
UTC timezone Format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM |
6/12/2024 18:54 |
QUERY | The question the user asked GenAI | STRING | how do i get a server token |
RESPONSE | The response provided to answer the user's query | STRING |
" Here are the steps to get a server token: |
SOURCE_IDS | The page IDs of the Kernels that answered the query | STRING |
To view the page, take the page ID and add |