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pages/{pageid}/import (PUT)


Import a tree of pages (mtarc format) into an instance at pageid as the root

  • REST Method: PUT
  • Method Access: public

Query Parameters

Name Type Description
behavior string Specify the semantics of the call between blocking and non-blocking. Valid values are sync and async, default value is sync.
filename string The name of the file being uploaded
pageid int The page's id of the page that we want to use as the root of the import

Return Codes

Name Value Description
OK 200 The upload and import were successful (sync), or the upload and the request to import the content was successful (async)
Forbidden 403 Returned when the user is not logged in, the size of the file exceeds the limit, or we could not establish a connection to the caching server
Not Found 404 The provided pageid does not match an existent page
Internal Server Error 500 Returned when the caching server fails to add, replace or fetch objects, or an unexpected error happens


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