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files/{fileid}/move (POST)


Move an attachment from one page to another and/or change the filename

  • REST Method: POST
  • Method Access: public

Uri Parameters

Name Type Description
fileid int identifies a file by ID

Query Parameters

Name Type Description
authenticate bool? Force authentication for request (default: false)
name string? new filename
to string? page id of target page

Return Codes

Name Value Description
OK 200 The request completed successfully
Bad Request 400 Invalid input parameter or request body
Forbidden 403 Update access to the page is required
Not Found 404 Requested file could not be found

Implementation Notes

A file cannot be moved to a template page or a destination page that already contains a file with the same name.

C# Code Sample: Move a File

The following code example moves the file with ID 456 to the home page:

Sample Code

Plug p = Plug.New("http://deki-hayes/@api/deki");
p.At("users", "authenticate").WithCredentials("admin", "password").Get();
p.At("files", "456", "move").With("to", "home").Post();

Curl Code Sample: Move a File

The following command moves a file to a specified page. Both target file ID and destination page ID must be specified. In the following sample, a file with file ID "1" is moved to the page with page ID "2".

Sample Code

curl -u username:password -d "" -i http://mindtouch.address/@api/deki/files/1/move?to=2

Implementation notes 

curl flags

Basic HTTP authentication. Sends a username and password to server so it can verify whether a user is of privilege to perform specific operation.
Specifies a POST request. No data needs to be sent to process this request, so an empty string is sent ("").
Includes the HTTP response header in the output. Useful for debugging.


An image of a popular meme needs to be moved to the Meme page (page ID = 68). The image has an ID value of 3.

Sample Code

curl -u username:password -d "" -i

HTTP Response Headers

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 22:40:35 GMT
Server: Dream-HTTPAPI/
X-Deki-Site: id="default"
Content-Length: 0
Via: 1.1 dekiwiki
Content-Type: text/plain


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